Learning and Development: Young Children 24 to 36 Months

Two to three year olds like to climb, run, and stomp. Think of them as vigorous, energetic and enthusiastic. Language development is rapid, and children become more interested in other children during this year of development. Find out more about developmental milestones and learning goals associated with brain development for children ages two to three in each area below:

Physical Development


  • Jumps from low objects
  • Climbs, runs, but can’t change direction quickly
  • Sits on riding toys and pushes with feet; may ride trike
  • Throws objects using forearms
  • Increasing fine motor development
  • Kicks still balls
  • Learns by using body

Learning Goals

  • Strengthen small muscle skills (cutting, tearing, drawing, lacing)
  • Develop eye/hand coordination (pre-writing skills)
  • Develop large muscle skills (climbing, skipping, catching a ball)

Suggested Activities/Materials

  • Allow children to run, throw, catch, jump, climb, ride on riding toys
  • Low climbing structures
  • Modeling clay activities
  • Blocks and puzzles
  • Containers that can be filled and emptied with sand or water (under supervision)
  • Lacing or sewing activities; cutting and pasting

Cognitive and Language Development


  • Responds to simple directions
  • Has limited attention span
  • Begins to count, put things in order (sequence) and match objects
  • Begins imitating adults
  • Begins using more language in play
  • Vocabulary greatly increases
  • Can speak in simple phrases
  • Has lively imagination and loves to pretend
  • Gradually focuses less on pictures in a book and more on their images created in child’s mind

Learning Goals

  • Develop reasoning and problem solving skills
  • Work out problems mentally rather than through trial and error
  • Expand creativity and logical thinking
  • Develop reading readiness skills (turning pages left to right)
  • Increase vocabulary, memory and speech by labeling items in books and asking questions
  • Develop counting sequence, matching skills

Suggested Activities/Materials

  • Let children work out problems independently
  • Encourage creativity with large pegs to group, sort, or stack, paints, large crayons, etc.
  • Talk clearly to children using simple, positive statements, allowing children to respond back
  • Expose children to variety of books, like picture books, short story books, poems, rhymes
  • Ask children to guess what will come next in a story
  • Ask children to picture things that have happened in the past or might happen in the future
  • Sing throughout the day
  • Bend, kneel or sit down to establish eye contact when talking to children

Social and Emotional Development


  • Plays near and watches other children
  • Fantasy and role play become more evident
  • Says “no” often and is protective of possessions
  • Usually pleasant, but still establishing independence and can be stubborn, negative and demanding
  • Recognizes and expresses emotion
  • May develop fears
  • Starts an activity after suggestion made

Learning Goals

  • Learn to use words to settle arguments
  • Begin learning to get along with others
  • Learn about their feelings and that it’s okay to feel silly, sad, angry
  • Learn to be a separate person
  • Begin learning to respect rights of others and to share
  • Begin learning to manage conflict

Suggested Activities/Materials

  • Encourage creative expression
  • Encourage sharing and taking turns
  • Finger plays
  • Provide opportunities for dramatic play with simple themes and props
  • Have multiples of popular toys and materials available
  • Encourage children to state own feelings and intentions
  • Deal calmly with fears without making fun of children
  • Explain the rules or consequences of behavior, so children can learn the “why’s”
  • Point out how child’s behavior affects others

Self-Help Skills


  • Can feed self
  • Can wash and dry hands with help
  • Begins to be toilet-trained
  • Can dress self with help
  • Can help put things away

Learning Goals

  • Develop positive self-esteem
  • Become more confident of abilities
  • Become more independent

Suggested Activities/Materials

  • Encourage children to serve self, help set the table, wash own hands, put on own shoes/socks
  • Provide soap and towels, child-size utensils
  • Sit with children during meals, encouraging conversation
  • Give simple responsibilities, which can be accomplished

Supporting Healthy Brain Development in Young Children

  • Encourage children to serve themselves; set the table, wash hands
  • Expose children to a variety of books, stories, poems, and rhymes
  • Let children work out problems independently
  • Explain consequences of behavior so children can learn “whys”
  • Provide a variety of materials such as blocks, puzzles and modeling clay
  • Play number games
  • Encourage sharing and taking turns during play
  • Begin dental check ups
  • Show affection and be responsive to needs
  • Don’t allow technology to take the place of interaction with other people
  • Maintain routines with flexibility
  • Continue well-child check ups

    Learning Environments for Young Children

    The following are characteristics of an effective out-of-home learning environment for groups of young children:

  • Divide the play area into centers, such as book/reading area, manipulatives, blocks, dramatic play, music, art, and large motor area.

  • Make the environment rich in both written and oral language, with lots of books and storytelling
  • Label different parts of room or area with words and pictures to encourage language development
  • Set up a cozy and inviting reading area with pillows, puppets, stuffed animals, and a wide variety of books
  • Be sure the outside area has sun and shade, resilient ground cover, and many play options for running, climbing, digging, riding, and other activities
  • Caregivers should provide individual attention, close supervision, and responsive caregiving for young children