Links to Other Websites

The URLs listed below are resources that may help you learn more about early brain development and its implications for children, families, and society. Better Brains for Babies does not recommend or endorse any specific site. Be sure to review site content carefully before using or recommending any of the links below.

Brain Development

Early Brain Development from Zero to Three
Want to know more about how the brain changes during the early years? Zero to Three has answers to some of their most frequently asked questions about early brain development. is the public information site of the Society for Neuroscience. The site includes a variety of information about the brain and neuroscience, presented for lay audiences.
Brain Insights
Brain Insights is sharing information about early brain development through presentations, a brain development blog, and other resources.
The Dana Foundation
The Dana Foundation is a private philanthropic organization that supports and reports on brain research and advances public awareness of brain research.
The Lieber Institute for Brain Development
The Lieber Institute is a private medical research institution conducting research on the effects of genetics and environment on the developing brain. They are specifically interested in the neurodevelopmental origins of schizophrenia.
Neuroscience Core Concepts
Learn more about the fundamental principles of the brain and nervous system, thanks to the Society for Neuroscience.
Neuroscience for Kids
This site is a place to explore the brain and learn more about how it works. This site is a rich teaching and learning resource. It has clear explanations, a variety of activities, suggestions for further study and an extensive collection of Internet links. You can also sign up for an e-mail newsletter.
Research Network on Early Experience and Brain Development
The Network’s goal is to study the relationship between brain and behavioral development, to clarify the role of experience in brain development, and to enhance the understanding of how neurobiological development and behavioral development are linked. This site provides numerous references to scientific articles on brain development.
Science Daily Mind and Brain News
This site provides summaries of recent research on a wide vareity of topics, including the brain and child development. Check out the Mind and Brain section for new findings related to the brain.
Society for Neuroscience
The Society for Neuroscience has a variety of research updates and resources on the brain and neuroscience, including a public outreach section with information about Brain Awareness Week in March and other resources.
Zero to Three Baby Brain Map
Check out this interactive view of the baby’s brain, with answers to common questions about early development.

Child Development and Early Learning

Center on the Developing Child
This Harvard University center translates and applies research about child development to help improve life outcomes for children worldwide. The Center is known for its National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, which communicates scientific information about child development and the brain.
Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network
CYFERnet is a compilation of children, youth and family resources of all the public land-grant universities in the country. Materials are carefully reviewed by college and university faculty.
National Association for the Education of Young Children
NAEYC is a professional organization for people working in early childhood, including teachers, educators, and parents. This site includes a wide variety of information on early childhood development and developmentally appropriate care and education for young children.
Zero To Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families
Zero to Three is a national nonprofit charitable organization whose aim is to strengthen and support families, practitioners, and communities to promote the healthy development of babies and toddlers. The brain development section offers information for parents, child care providers, pediatricians, and others with a direct interest in children’s brain development.

Physical Well-Being

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
This site contains information on nutrition and healthy eating, including specific information on child nutrition and mealtimes and links to MyPlate.
American Academy of Pediatrics
This site offers child health information to both parents and professionals. The publications section is particularly helpful to obtain the latest policies and publications regarding children’s health and safety.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This site contains information on a variety of issues related to physical well-being in children, including environmental hazards such as lead poisoning. The site also has a wide variety of links to other sites.
Consumer Product Safety Commission
This site is operated and maintained by an independent federal regulatory agency. Their goal is to reduce the risk of injury or death from consumer products. The site includes information on product recalls and educational materials related to child and adult safety issues.
Find a Child Passenger Safety Technician
Find a child passenger safety technician who can check the installation of your safety seat, and teach you how to install it safely.
Developed by pediatric medical specialists, this site offers information on child health to children, parents, and medical professionals. The parenting sections offer information about specific illnesses and parent support groups. The site also includes a section for children.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
This site provides information on seat belt use, children’s safety seats, booster seats, recalls, and appropriate safety seat installation and use.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
The National Institute for Child Health and Development seeks to assure that every individual is born healthy, is born wanted and has the opportunity to fulfill his or her potential for a healthy and productive life unhampered by disease or disability.
Safe Kids Worldwide
Safe Kids Worldwide is an international nonprofit organization dedicated solely to preventing unintentional childhood injury. It focuses on strategies to prevent unintentional injury and death due to causes such as motor vehicle crashes, fires, drowning, poisoning and falls.

Public Policy

The Future of Children
The Future of Children seeks to promote effective policies and programs for children by providing policymakers, service providers, and the media with timely, objective information based on the best available research. The Future of Children is a series of downloadable publications developed by The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and The Brookings Institution.
National Center for Children in Poverty
The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) is the nation’s leading public policy center dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well-being of America’s low-income families and children. The site includes several reports related to the effects of poverty on brain development.
The Urban Child Institute
The Urban Child Institute is a non-profit organization dedicated to the health and well-being of young children in Memphis, Tennessee. They are using brain development research to promote policy and practice changes for the youngest children. They have a wide variety of resources, including a wide variety of articles on the brain and an active social media presence.

Stress and Trauma

Child Trauma Academy
The ChildTrauma Academy is a not-for-profit organization based in Houston, Texas focused on education, service delivery and program consultation in the areas of child maltreatment. This site includes a variety of information on brain development and the effects of stress and trauma. The site includes links to several online learning modules related to brain development. Information is based on the work of noted researcher Dr. Bruce Perry.